A new thread has been started in the Updates section of the official forums. The title of the thread is as follows:
[dev1357] The Armoire
Proceed to the thread.
* The following feature, scheduled for patch 1.22, is in development and subject to change.
- Patch 1.22 will introduce armoires?storage cabinets that can be used to store untradable gear and other similar items. Armoires will be placed in the inns rooms of each city-state, and players will be able to store and reclaim their prized possessions at their leisure. The following kinds of items will be made storable:
- Job-exclusive gear
- Seasonal event gear
- Achievement reward gear
- Bonus items (Garlond goggles, onion helm, Asuran armguards, Hermes' shoes)
* There are certain exceptions.
- Item condition must be 100%
- Only one of a particular item can be stored.
- Storing an item resets its spiritbond.
To hold a discussion and/or submit feedbacks on this topic, please use "dev1357" as a tag.
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