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I think there?s are trap I fall into many days, weeks, and even months; especially the Holiday months! Today, I want to talk about Approval: I worrying about gaining the approval of men {or mainly women ;o)} rather than God. I am no longer being hospitable I?m hosting.
The Real Homemaker?s Challenge 1- Approval:
You know what I?m talking about. As we are preparing our homes for guest, these thoughts creep up: ?Is this clean enough for them.? ?Maybe they?ll rave about my creative decorating!? ?They are going to be talking about this party for months!? I worry about each persons? personality and if they will like my tastes, think I?m a weirdo, or be discussed by my kids destruction of the downstairs bathroom after I cleaned it and discovered as the door bell was ringing. I, for real, secretly wonder if they?ll think I?m super cool because I have labels on my kids toys and when they get here, it appears that they actually put them where they?re supposed to go. {oops, not so secret anymore}
Sorry, did I miss yours? Feel free to list them in the comment section below. We?re here to confess it and move past it!
When you hear those unhealthy thoughts of approval creep up in your head, begin praying. I am not saying this to sound all spiritual, I?m telling you this because it?s tried and true. It?s much harder to wonder what another man is thinking of your cute new outfit when you?re eyes are focused on the loving gaze of your hubs! So it is with the approval of men and women, if you are focused on what your Father approves of, you?ll be less likely to be so concerned about what others approve of.?
Things I like to pray for when prepping:
- Jesus, let my house be clean enough that my guest feel comfortable in this space.
- Jesus, allow my meal to give their bodies just what they need today.
- Jesus, help me show patience to my children so I may show your love through calm parenting while possibly stressed with guest(s) in our home.
- Jesus, prepare my ears and toosh to settle in for long, meaningful conversation that encourages, uplifts, and heals.
- Jesus, I really want this fellowship {friendship} to grow and honor you.
- Jesus, may all that goes on in this home glorify you!
I?m sure you can come up with many more simple things to ask of Jesus when preparing your heart to be hospitable rather than host. I want to provide some other resources the Homemaker?s Challenge already has to keep the focus on glorifying God this season and through that hopefully bless those who come through our homes.
What?s your biggest challenge when it comes to approval and homemaking?
Miss day one? Catch up here:
INTRO to Heart Issues Series
Here?s the layout for the series {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:

Source: http://homemakerschallenge.com/2012/11/13/the-real-homemakers-challenge-approval-2/
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